How can people interact with your idea?
Figure out what exactly to build by starting with a prototype. At the Idea Lab we build prototypes which test the central idea rather than building the complete solution. That way you don't get tangled in the technical details!
Get startedLearn more
"How can I show my customers something to quickly validate my idea?"
"Does the user flow of my idea make sense?"
"How can I quickly test a new feature without building it?"
"What do my customers like or dislike about my concept?"
"How can I get target audience feedback without building a full solution?"
"I don't have a big budget for UX designs"
So how exactly do we help with prototyping your idea?
the idea
We help you define & document the main problems your idea is solving
Design wireframes
We design wireframes for features that solve these problems
Deploy online
We build & deploy your prototype to a live online link that you can share
your idea with a low-tech prototype
Get started
Who is a prototype for?
Who can use the prototype?
Is the prototype interactive?
Is this prototype an app or MVP?
What do I do with my prototype?
What insights can I gain by having a prototype?
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What if I'm not ready for a prototype yet?
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